About the Burmese-English-Burmese (Myanmar) Online Dictionary

About the Burmese-English-Burmese (Myanmar) Online Dictionary

This dictionary is made for everyone who is able to read the Burmese script and needs a simple tool to understand the other language. It can be useful for students beginning to learn the Burmese language, for Burmese people living outside their home country without access to a printed dictionary, for travelers, worshipers of Burmese culture or just anyone who doesn't expect scientific accuracy or a complete vocabulary.

It is especially designed for people who don't have a computer with a Burmese keyboard.

The implementation of this dictionary was initiated by an idea to support the countless people from Burma who, as students, refugees, workers or others, are forced to live outside of their home land and often don't find it easy to communicate in English. We wanted to offer a service, which is free, which includes the possibility to type Burmese words without having a Burmese computer equipment and which also finds the right words if you are not sure about the correct English or Burmese spelling.


If you find this dictionary useful, I would be glad if you could donate to the NGO Burma Center Prague. Any amount is welcome.

By using this dictionary and it's accompanying pages, you agree that we take no responsibility for incorrect results or deficient operation and that you use this service at your own risk, to the extent permitted by applicable law. We provide this service for free and "as is" without any warranty, expressed or implied. You also acknowledge that you may not offer this software or its database as part of any other site or service or in printed form to third parties without our written consent.

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This dictionary - software and vocabulary - is provided for free AS IS and remains the property of its author. Links to explanations and pronunciation ("balloon" icons): From theĀ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary at www.Merriam-Webster.com.
The name "Burmese" is preferred to the alternative name "Myanmar" since it makes a better distinction between the names for language and country. Also, the authors feel that official names of countries, language etc. must be legitimized by the people, not by those who are in power for the single reason that they control the army.